Post by sibs on Nov 16, 2010 13:36:00 GMT -5
At the w/e I was stroking Lace's belly and felt a lump. It is discreet and mobile and not apparently tender. Lace is about 14 yrs old. My first inclination was to book her in to the local vets on Monday but talking to some else I have started havering. Of course if it turned out to be mammary ca would it be kind to subject her to a mammary strip especially as she is on Rimadyl and reasonably well controlled.? If I am not going to go down that road is there any point in going for a needle biopsy? I guess my thoughts are slightly coloured by Max going through a similar route for a lump on his shoulder. Needle biopsy was inconclusive and had an excision. The wound broke down and although it healed in the end took some time.
So 1. Leave ,measure and watch 2. Go for a needle biopsy hoping it is a lipoma and not allowing for anything more invasive. 3. If it turns out cancerous go for broke.
I love this girl and she has had a fair share with her fracture and pin and plate. Really would appreciate your thoughts and any experience. Of course I may well be panicking unnecessarily.
Post by Lisa on Nov 16, 2010 13:57:58 GMT -5
I would be tempted to let the vet have a look do an aspiration and then if she is fit enough get it off. It may not be necessary to do a full mammory strip to be honest Sibs. I think Lace is a tough enough old bird to deal with a bit of a lump off after all she went through. The other option is to just have it off and then sent it off for biopsy and skip on the aspiration.
Post by sibs on Nov 16, 2010 14:08:09 GMT -5
Thanks so much for responding Lisa. I know how beset you are... so much appreciate it. I was hoping you would, as I trust your judgement.
Post by Lisa on Nov 16, 2010 14:10:20 GMT -5
Not at all Sibs I have always had a soft space for Lace and I am quite fond of her Mum aswell ;D
Post by sibs on Nov 19, 2010 6:52:20 GMT -5
Thank you Lisa. Lace was a good girl today abit shivery at first at the vets. There was an elderly gentleman greyhound giving her the glad eye so she soon settled down. The vet took an aspiration sample and fingers crossed will get a helpful and not nasty result next week. The sample was a bit bloody and inflammatory like so I am expecting they will want to excise and I am hoping that will be the most that is necessary. Please keep your fingers crossed.
Post by Nettie on Nov 19, 2010 12:02:18 GMT -5
Sibs, I hope the sample taken proves to be nothing to worry about.
Post by sibs on Nov 27, 2010 6:23:56 GMT -5
Sorry for not updating sooner but our hard disc went kaput. The result on the needle aspiration showed some evidence of old inflammation and calcification. No malignant cells , so vet has advised monitoring. I am so relieved. Thank you for your advice and good wishes.
Post by lurcherlot on Nov 27, 2010 6:33:16 GMT -5
Thank goodness for that Sibs ;D
Post by julies on Nov 27, 2010 15:45:19 GMT -5
Great, some good news for a change SO glad Best wishes Julie x
Post by blueblists on Nov 28, 2010 15:52:47 GMT -5
That's absolutely fantastic. I bet you are so relieved. All the very best. Suex
Post by elmuervo on Nov 28, 2010 16:07:59 GMT -5
Oh, that's such good news ;D. So glad for you all.
Jo x
Post by alexandsteve on Nov 29, 2010 15:42:08 GMT -5
Wonderful news.
Post by sibs on Apr 18, 2012 5:39:41 GMT -5
I have booked Lace in to the vets tomorrow as, after having no problems with this lump since I last posted in 2010, she has started chewing and licking it the last 2 days. I will take her in fasted and hope like hell it is nothing terrible.
Post by Nettie on Apr 18, 2012 6:27:32 GMT -5
Oh Sibs, hope it is nothing and she is soon sorted.
Post by kizzeysmum on Apr 18, 2012 7:11:17 GMT -5
I do hope that there is nothing to worry about.